Nearly 22 per cent of the 15.50 lakh kg offered at Sale No: 50 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auction worth ₹2.26 crore remained unsold for want of buyers at the asking price. For the fourth consecutive week, prices increased over the previous week. This week, they averaged ₹66.33 a kg against previous week’s ₹64.72.

Among CTC teas, Homedale Estate tea, auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, topped when Badusha Tea Company bought it for ₹201 a kg. Chamraj topped the Orthodox market at ₹248 a kg.

Quotations held by brokers indicated bids ranging ₹40-44 a kg for plain leaf grades and ₹90-160 for brighter liquoring sorts. They ranged ₹40-48 for plain dusts and ₹120-190 for brighter liquoring dusts. There was selective purchase for Pakistan in a wide range of ₹52-122 a kg.