Spot rubber was steady on Saturday. The market continued to be in a holiday mood prior to Easter.

Sheet rubber finished unchanged at Rs 240 a kg amidst scattered transactions.

The volumes were extremely dull as most of the traders had been on long holidays.

Futures improve

The May series improved to Rs 244.87 (243.68), June to Rs 249.74 (248.14), July to Rs 250.45 (248.55), August to Rs 242 (241) and September to Rs 233.05 (232.50) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 240 (240); RSS-5: 236 (236); ungraded: 222 (222); ISNR 20: 233 (233) and latex 60 per cent: 147 (147).