Spot rubber rates were not available owing to a ‘hartal’ announced by the apex traders’ body ‘Kerala Vyapari Vyavasyi Ekopana Samiti’ to protest the inspections at business outlets over the irregularities in the Value Added Tax data. But ISNR 20 and Latex closed unchanged at ₹112.00 and ₹96.15 respectively as reported by the Rubber Board.

In futures, November contracts improved a tad to ₹122.97 (122.86) and December to ₹123.85 (123.58) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX). RSS 3 (spot) dropped to ₹103.47 (103.81) per kg at Bangkok. November futures firmed up to ₹98.15 (97.69) and December to ₹100.95 (100.43) while the January futures slid to ₹103.16 (103.28) per kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).