Pepper prices continued to rule steady on sluggish trade. There was neither any arrival nor any offtake at the terminal market. The pipelines in the consuming centres are reportedly empty. But, everybody is waiting for the prices to fall when the new crop starts coming. Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu dealers were reportedly buying from the doorsteps of growers/dealers at ₹685 a kg on cash-and-carry basis.

Some interest at ₹670 and ₹675 for Wayanad pepper in that region was seen and some trading has reportedly taken place, market sources told BusinessLine. On the IPSTA platform all the active contracts remained unchanged. Spot prices also stayed steady at ₹67,000 (ungarbled) and ₹70,000 (garbled) a quintal. Export prices were at $11,475 a tonne cf for Europe and $11,725 for the US.