Tea Board has urged the stakeholders in the industry to use the International Tea Day (ITD) on Thursday to promote the consumption of tea.

“We appeal to the stakeholders to observe the ITD in a creative and impactful manner by conducting innovative promotional activities aimed at raising public awareness on the importance of tea,” Tea Board Executive Director M Balaji said.

On its part, the Board is focussing on attracting the younger generation. “Tea Board is trying to create awareness among the younger generation on the goodness and benefits of tea consumption and to increase the consumption of tea across the country. This can improve the economic situation of tea producers, manufactures, other key stakeholders in the supply chain and tea garden workers. This will ensure the sustainable development of the industry and ensure safe and healthy tea to the consumers,” Balaji said.

“The declaration of May 21 as ITD will provide a much-awaited push to generate more awareness on tea consumption. This is particularly significant for India, as it is the second largest tea producing country in the world which also has been witnessing various issues in tea production and marketing,” he added.

Stressing the need to promote per capita consumption of tea, Balaji observed that the United Nations General Assembly has designated May 21 as ITD based on the proposal moved by India at the FAO Intergovernmental Group (IGG).

Balaji listed the various schemes operated by the Tea Board for the benefit of the various segments of the tea industry.