Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday congratulated BusinessLine for its reportage and said she looks forward to reading it every morning.

“Call it as a habit of a spokesperson who has been trained for a political party, I make a lot of time reading papers... But BusinessLine is a paper, which for me, comes out with some of the best reporting on the economy, agriculture, on futures, on commodity markets and amazing coverage of issues,” she said at the BusinessLine Changemaker Award ceremony where she was the Chief Guest.

Endorsing the paper’s reportage, the Minister further said, “I wish it has a lot more all India readership. But the depth to which you go and also the exhaustive reporting that you do, you stand out as one of those business papers, although it has not been there in the market for a very long time, you are at par with some of the best.”

Noting that India doesn’t have very many newspapers which, report exclusively on businesses, she said, “Actually that typical granular collection of data, writing up of stories, reporting on something and then pursuing it further to see if after the reportage has there been any change... this is the kind of consistency which newspapers should cultivate as a quality because business news will have to have both the macroeconomic issues as well as the microeconomic issues because unless we know how things are on the ground, you are not going to make policies which will result in the larger good of the country.”

“I do take this opportunity and happily say BusinessLine and its reporting quality, its content and the extent and scope of the issues you cover are all noteworthy and I do derive a lot of information from it,” she further said.