Shetkari Sanghatana (SS), the apex farmers’ body in Maharashtra has demanded that the Ninth Schedule included in the Indian Constitution by the first amendment, be cancelled. Sanghatana has claimed that the fundamental rights of farmers are compromised as the Schedule gives immense power to the Government to trample farmers’ rights regarding the price of their produce.

“The Ninth Schedule was brought in the Indian Constitution on 18 June 1951 to abolish Zamindari system. The Ninth Schedule contains a list of laws that cannot be challenged in courts. Out of 284 such laws which are shielded from judicial review, 90 per cent of laws are about agriculture and landholding. This also includes the Essential Commodity Act which gives immense power to the Government to decide the price of farmers’ produce,” said SS President Anil Ghanwat in a press statement.

SS members will submit the memorandum to the district collectors across the State demanding cancellation of Ninth Schedule.