A 21-year old has been tested positive for coronavirus in Chennai, thus making it the third case in Tamil Nadu.

The student from Dublin, Ireland had arrived in the city on March 17 and was home quarantined. But yesterday, he reported to Rajiv Gandhi General Hospital with symptoms of coronavirus. Today, his test results his test results confirmed the infection.

He is kept in isolation at RGGH, according to the information in a tweet of C Vijayabaskar, State Minister for Health and Family Welfare. The patient is stable.

Though this is the third case of Covid-19, the first patient has recovered from the Coronavirus illness and is back home. However, he will be home quarantined for two weeks.

According to the information shared by Vijayabaskar, the state officials have screened 1,94,236 passengers for Covid-19 symptoms as of March 19. About 3,481 people were under followup and 120 people are in isolation wards.

Health officials have so far tested 320 samples and of which 232 tested negative and 86 are under process.