With just five days to go for the April 23 voting in Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asserted that a “strong wave” is sweeping India this elections, and launched a frontal attack on the Congress. “It is at “nadir that the Congress has lost all its credibility,” he said.

“The Congress is insecure and the days of its revival are over”, he said, adding that during his election tours across States, he “ sensed a strong wave.”

“It is not a routine election. You have to decide whether to elect those who wasted 70 years or not to tolerate them even for 70 minutes. It will decide what future you want for your next generation. Whether you want a nationalist government or that of those who want to see India tukde, tukde (balkanised).”

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Addressing election rallies at Himmatnagar (North Gujarat) and Surendranagar (Saurashtra), he accused the Congress of parading “falsehood” on various counts. “Its election manifesto is a dhakosla patra (eyewash) that has no mention of the middle-class. On the contrary, a Congress advisor even denounced the middle-class as ‘selfish’. The Opposition party wants to destroy this class,” he said.

“Can you even tolerate the Congress President’s language”, he asked.

Modi claimed that the Congress always nursed “hostility” against Gujarat and its leaders. “Even Sardar Patel’s daughter, Maniben, was not spared. Other leaders also, including Morarji Desai, and now Modi, have been its target for the same reason.”

‘Scam-free govt’

Lambasting the Opposition alliance as Mahamilavat (great adulteration), the PM said these parties could not digest the fact that the NDA government, in its five-year term, gave an inflation and scam-free governance. The Opposition no longer talks of price-rise as we have controlled it. In these five years, we have pushed them to the gates of prison. After our return to power on May 23, they will be behind bars,” Modi said.

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Referring to the direct transfer of ₹6,000 per annum in the small farmers’ bank accounts, Modi said the restriction of up to five-acre land holdings for these beneficiaries would be waived as soon as his government returns to power, apparently hinting at expanding the number of beneficiaries.

Neither the Congress nor its friends are contesting all the Lok Sabha seats. But they all want to become the PM. Even the Delhi-wala fancies that power is his paternal property,” he said, without naming anyone.

‘Lotus will bloom’

Modi said, in the pre-Independence era, the British showered golis (bullets) on the Congress. “Now, its associates shower gaalis (abuses) on us. The more mud they throw at us, more the lotus will bloom. They have abused us in every possible manner.”


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