Google workers across the globe have formed an international union called the Alpha Global.

The new union named, named after Google’s parent company Alphabet, was formed in coordination with UNI Global Union, a global union federation that comprises of 20 million workers from multiple sectors in the service economy including workers at Amazon.

According to the Verge, the union consists of 13 different unions representing workers in 10 countries, including the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Alpha Global is meant to help “build a more ethical and accountable company,” according to an article published by UNI Global.

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“The problems at Alphabet — and created by Alphabet — are not limited to any one country, and must be addressed on a global level,” said Christy Hoffman, UNI’s General Secretary said in a statement.

“We know that organising for justice at a global company like Alphabet does not stop at national boundaries, and that is why it is so important to unite with workers in other countries,” said Parul Koul Google software engineer.

The Union aims to bring together direct Alphabet employees as well as temporary, vendor, and contract workers.

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The announcement comes shortly after workers in the United States and Canada launched the Alphabet Workers Union (AWU). It is a minority union which initially comprised of over 200 workers that is affiliated with the Communications Workers of America. AWU grew to over 700 members within a week after its launch, the Verge reported.

Alpha Global will not have a legally binding agreement with the company for now, as per the report.