Fallen tycoon Vijay Mallya says he has filed a complaint with the cyber police in Mumbai stating that an interview attributed to him is fabricated. In an interview published in the Delhi-based Sunday Guardian, he was quoted as saying that the time is not ripe for his return to India.

“The email account that has been attributed to me does not belong to me. Every comment, therefore, is fabricated. I have filed a complaint with the Cyber Police Station in Mumbai,” he said in a statement.

Sunday Guardian response: Rejecting Mallya’s claims, the publication issued a statement saying it “stands by its interview of Mr Vijay Mallya. This was given to the newspaper on 12 March 2016. Mr Mallya personally responded to our email questionnaire from his encrypted email id: vjmallya@protonmail.com. This id was confirmed to us by his legal counsel’s office on 8 March. To a questionnaire sent to Mr Mallya on 10 March, he replied via email on 12 March. For reasons that are not clear, Mr Mallya has sought to distance himself from the interview.”