Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed the on-going crisis in Afghanistan as well as its global implications, the challenges of climate change and the upcoming climate summit COP-26, with his Italian counterpart Mario Draghi over telephone on Friday.

"They strongly condemned the horrific terror attack at the Kabul International Airport yesterday, and emphasised the need to ensure the safe repatriation of stranded people," according to an official release.

The leaders called for international cooperation, including at the level of the G20, in addressing the humanitarian crisis and long term security concerns arising out of the developments in Afghanistan.

Important issues on the G20 agenda, such as climate change, were also taken up by the two PMs. "In this context, they exchanged views on other forthcoming multilateral engagements too, such as COP-26," the release added.

Modi appreciated Italy's leadership in productively steering discussions within the G20.

The two decided to stay in touch on the Afghanistan issue and other bilateral and global matters.