Panchayat Development Officers, who declared their villages as “smoke-less village” (100 per cent LPG penetration villages) handed over a symbolic certificate to S Varadachari, General Manager-in charge, Karnataka, IndianOil, declaring 60 villages in Karnataka as having 100 per cent LPG penetration.

The company in an effort to improve LPG penetration in the country and in order to help improve the lives of rural masses, has undertaken the task of achieving 100 per cent LPG penetration in the country with a missionary zeal.

As per the direction received from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, IndianOil LPG officers were motivated to adopt a village each to convert it to 100 per cent LPG penetration.

The certificate was given in the presence of Indrajit Bose, Executive Director, (Corporate Communications and Branding), Head Office, Mumbai, Abhijit Dey, DGM(LPG), Karnataka and several senior IndianOil officials at Bengaluru on Wednesday.