Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment has announced the Emeritus Scientist Fellowships and the Post Doctoral Fellowships for 2013.

The Emeritus Fellowships are for P.R. Sudhakaran (biochemistry); V.P. Narayanan Nampoori (optoelectronics); N. Sasidharan (taxonomy); Krishnankutty K. (chemistry); K.V. Lazar (zoology); A. Krishnamoorthy (mathematics); Muraleedhara Warriar (nuclear physics); and S. Sivaramakrishnan (biochemistry). Post-doctoral Fellowships are for Abitha Murali; Aravind S.R.; and Nishanth Kumar S. (Biotechnology) and Sandhya Kumari L. and Silviya E.K. (chemistry); and Aju K. Asok (microbiology).