CEOs of Technopark-based companies willingly offered themselves as soft targets for slightly harsh but fun-filled pranks at the hands of own staff as part of Daan Utsav, a festival for charity.

CEO-bashing was the major attraction of the day with employee ‘purchasing’ the right for ₹100 to ₹1,000 to target their bosses with a water-soaked sponge ball.

KG Girish Babu, CEO of Technopark and host of the festival, volunteered to be the target for the first round of sponge-ball throws. CEOs of other companies would take aim at him; none of his own staff would!

In the end, he took the maximum number of throws. Some of the thrower-CEOs who revelled at it paid even higher prices for the privilege to aim at the CEO of CEOs!

​Most of the 20 throws aimed at Girish Babu were on target. But he also managed to ‘punch out’ some incoming deliveries.

​The collections for the noble cause are being counted, said Renjit Ramanujam, CEO, GTech, or the group of technology companies in Kerala. It had partnered with Technopark to host the event.

Wives of CEOs, who are co-directors, were also active participants in the events.

“It was fun and a spirited way of raising funds for a noble cause,” said Anoop P Ambika, Secretary, GTech. “The response was overwhelming and shows that the community would go all out to support the needy. All our CSR initiatives have been very well received.”

The CEOs had proceeded to hit the dance floor earlier and melted into a flash mob organised as part of the event.

This is the first time Daan Utsav is being organised in Kerala. Launched in 2009, the festival is celebrated every year during the Gandhi Jayanti week.