1. Anil Ghanwat: President of Shetkari Sanghatana, a pro-reforms outfit of farmers. A farmers’ union based in Kolhapur, SSS did not support the all-India Bandh call of about 500 farmer organisations against three farm laws. Ghanwal told BusinessLine recently that the demand to scrap the laws is completely wrong.

2. Pramod Kumar Joshi: A prominent agriculture economist, Joshi is an international scholar and expert who has studied the nuances of the trade of crops and agriculture patterns. Joshi had also supported the three laws through various articles and claimed that the demands of farmers were unworthy. He had said that the laws will help in enhancing farmers’ income.

3. Bhupinder Singh Mann: A former nominated MP in Rajya Sabha, Mann had met the Union Agriculture Minister, saying that the laws, if amended a bit, will be beneficial for the farmers. He is the chairman of All India Kisan Coordination Committee (not to be mistaken with the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee) and is another prominent voice in favour of reforms in the agriculture sector.

4. Ashok Gulati: Former chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), Gulati is probably the best known name in the field of agriculture economy. The Padma Shri award winner currently functions as the chair professor for agriculture at ICRIER. He has also been arguing through his columns and speeches that opposition to the three laws is misguided. He argues that the laws will provide greater choice and freedom to farmers, and compares them to the de-licensing of industry in 1991.