The Union Government’s new measures such as the Labour Inspection Scheme or consolidation of labour related returns or 50 per cent subsidy on minimum wages of an industrial apprentice may not overnight change scenario in the early industrialised West Bengal, but these can surely pave way for improvement in labour scenario.

Viresh Oberoi, Chairman, CII Eastern Region & MD & CEO, mjunction Services Ltd, said that the Centre has taken the first few steps, States also needed to do their bit.

CII, in close cooperation with States, was engaged in the process – be it standardising self-certifications by the employers on employment-related returns or revamping vocational training facilities such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), he said.

Skilled manpower

In the eastern region, CII has adopted 50 ITIs, of which 21 is in West Bengal.

“We are trying to update them with technology, improve curriculum and training facilities,” Oberoi said.

He felt the best part of the measures was that they were labour-oriented as well. “The direction is set towards making the manpower skilled, rather than bringing in more automation”, he added.

The Government’s focus on ITIs in bridging the skill gap, improving employability and productivity will help the Eastern region too.

Nadeem Kazim, Chairman, IR Subcommittee (CII Eastern Region) and Director - HR & Personnel, Exide Industries Ltd, said, the measures aimed at improving ease of doing business have a positive effect on the small and medium-scale industrial units also, which outnumber big units t.