Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has denied accusations that the administration has lapsed into a deadlock due to an alleged cold war within IAS ranks.

The Chief Minister said this in reply to an adjournment motion sought to be moved by the Opposition over what it described as 'startling developments' in a battle of egos from within the administration.


But the Chief Minister admitted that 'some differences' of opinion among top top officials in the government had come to light, which are being addressed currently.

KM Chandrasekhar, formerly Cabinet Secretary at the Centre and now Vice Chairman of the State Planning Board, has been deputed to talk to various officials and settle what Chandy described are minor issues.

The government is not so much concerned about representations made by individuals to the IAS Association in the State as how these have come to be leaked to the media.


The adjournment motion had alleged that administration had entered a deadlock after none other than the Chief Secretary was leading a factional fight picking specific individuals from within as targets.

The Chief Secretary was according scant regard to directions of the Chief Minister, and, on occasions, had proceeded to go beyond his brief while taking decisions.

The administration in the State was no longer within the hands of the Government but those of a few top officials, the motion had alleged.

EK Bharat Bhushan, who last held positions of Director-General of Civil Aviation and an Economic Advisor to the Centre, is now the Chief Secretary of the State.