Minister for Panchayats and Social Welfare M.K. Muneer has underlined the growing importance as well as contributions of NGOs to society.

This, he said, has led to social development and capacity building of the State’s social enterprises both in micro as well as the medium enterprises.

The Minister was speaking after inaugurating a two-day workshop on ‘Project formulation and project management’ at the Indian Institute of Management-Kozhikode.

Muneer thanked the Indian IIM-K for taking keen interest in imparting professional training programmes on project management to the deserving sections of the society. He lauded the continuous efforts of the Kerala State Women Development Corporation.

The Minister also shared with the participants the host of social welfare programmes as well as social entrepreneurial initiatives that the State Government had implemented with the involvement and support of the NGOs.

IIM-K role

The Minister, in particular, highlighted the lead role played by IIM-K on the success of the iconic Subhiksha Project which is a role model for others.

The workshop is jointly organised by IIM-Kozhikode and the Kerala State Women Development Corporation (KSWDC), with a view to imparting strategies and formulations that are required to win competitive grants as well as in project management and project monitoring.

The objective is to enable and empower the NGOs working in the social development and in the economic uplift of women in Kerala.

P. Kulsu, Chairperson of KSWDC shared the current status of most of the enterprises run by the NGOs and she emphasised the need for professional training to the NGO community in fetching new projects as well as the successful management of the projects on hand.