Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday urged parents to create a positive environment for their children at home during the current time of coronavirus-induced lockdown.

Parents would do well to cut down the negativity caused by corona related news, Kejriwal advised during the special broadcast -he and Education Minister Sisodia had for parents and children on the topic ‘Parenting in the times of corona’.

"The challenge is not to let the fear take over children's mind. There is a need to cut down the negativity caused by corona related news, take a break from social media. Create a positive environment in your house, play games, listen to music," said Kejriwal.

A parent asked if she can send her child to play in the park for some time after taking all the required precautions, to which Kejriwal replied that she should not do that and respect the lockdown.

“As a parent, I understand the challenges faced by children and parents and request everyone to convert this time into an opportunity. This is a good time to engage with your children and develop understanding,” Sisodia.

Responsibility towards society

Emphasising on not to cut salaries of house help, Kejriwal said “Please do not cut salaries of your maids. This will definitely sensitize the children and will make them aware of their responsibility towards society”.

It’s really difficult for parents to spend time with them kids in day to day life but this lockdown has given that opportunity to talk to children and try to understand their world, said Kejriwal.

Meanwhile, on the exams of class 9th and 11th that were cancelled, Sisodia said, “Class 9th and 11th students had an exam remaining which was cancelled due to lockdown. These students will be promoted according to the results of the exams that they had appeared in and their internal assessments. They will not be required to give the remaining exam.