West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday, expressed dissatisfaction over the higher price of Covid-19 vaccine, Covishield, announced by the Serum Institute of India for supply to State governments.

The vaccine-maker has said it is pricing the vaccine at ₹400 a dose for supply to State governments and ₹600 for the private market. It supplies the vaccine at ₹250 for the Centre’s vaccine drive.

Banerjee felt that it was not right to have different pricing strategies for vaccines, at this stage.

“Of course I will take up the matter with the Prime Minister and write a strong letter to him. Why should there be different prices for Centre, States and even private hospitals? Why this discrimination? This is the time to help the people and it is not the time to increase business,” she said.

Banerjee, however, did not name the SII during her media briefing. The Centre has decided to expand vaccination coverage to all citizens over 18 years from May. It has also allowed companies to sell 50 per cent of their capacity to States and to private entities.

₹100 crore fund

According to Banerjee, the State-government has created a ₹100-crore fund for procurement of vaccines. It has asked for one crore vaccine dosages from the Centre; while it will also be “procuring more vaccines from the open market later”.

“A fund has been set up for procuring vaccines. As these one crore vaccines come from the Centre we will be going ahead with the State government’s free vaccination programme,” she said.

Around 93 lakh people have been vaccinated so far Banerjee claimed. West Bengal’s population is currently around 10 crore.

Meanwhile, in view of spiralling Covid cases in the State, the West Bengal government is planning to make operational a 24X7 video conferencing facility with doctors. This apart, Covid bed count will be increased to 13,000; up from 11,000. Satellite facilities are also being activated along with safe houses, she said.

There will however be no lockdown in the State. “I cannot see businesses close down now. There are no plans of a lockdown here,” the Chief Minister said.

Modi-made disaster

Calling the second wave of Covid as a “Modi-made disaster”, Banerjee blamed the BJP and “outsiders” for spreading Covid in the State.

“I repeat this. BJP is bringing in outsiders from other States and they are spreading the virus here. This is not a man-made disaster. Its a Modi-made disaster,” she said.

“The Prime Minister’s address yesterday made it clear that people are now on their own,” the West Bengal CM said during a campaign rally.

The BJP put out a strong counter; with party spokesperson Shamik Bhattacharjee claiming “the Chief Minister was running out of issues”. Hence, she has embarked on a “slander campaign against the PM”. On being asked about the CM’s reservations about differential pricing of vaccines, the BJP spokesperson said: “The BJP-government at the Centre has been most transparent on vaccine pricing startegy. Can the outgoing CM here show any state, especially amongst the BJP run ones, to have got additional favours or benefits on vaccine pricing?”