Dakshina Kannada Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd maintained average daily milk procurement of 2.92 lakh litres during 2014-15.

Speaking at the World Milk Day celebrations in Mangaluru on Monday, Raviraj Hegde, president of the Milk Producers’ Union, said the union has set a target of average daily milk procurement of 3.31 lakh litres for 2015-16.

As of now, the union has been procuring around 85 per cent of its requirements from its members in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. It brings the remaining from the neighbouring districts. The maximum milk procurement by the union was 3.46 lakh litres on May 19.

Hegde said the Dakshina Kannada Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd is paying a maximum of ₹24.37 a litre for the milk it procures from its members.

The union supplies milk to various parts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts through its dairies in Mangaluru and Manipal. Plans are there to start a dairy at Uppoor in Udupi district with a capacity to process 2.5 lakh litres of milk a day.

The union has a marketing network of 1,371 dealers and 18 milk parlours in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. New dealerships will be opened in the areas where there is no presence of dealers of the milk union, he said.

Daily sale

The average daily sale of milk was 3.37 lakh litres during 2014-15. On May 6, it sold a maximum of 3.52 lakh litres of milk.

The union has 678 milk cooperative societies under its jurisdiction. Of them, 127 are women cooperative societies.

The union has plans to open 55 new milk cooperative societies during 2015-16. He said that thrust will be given for opening women cooperative societies during the period.