A new initiative to empower small and medium size companies in Tamil Nadu to embrace e-commerce has been launched jointly by TANSTIA-FNF Service Centre (TFSC) and Friedrich Naumann-Foundation for Freedom (FNF)

The first of a series of two-day training course began on Tuesday and addressed challenges and opportunities in the growing digital economy. This will be followed by similar courses in Coimbatore, Madurai and Tiruchi. Over 80 SME entrepreneurs will participate in the programme, said K Gopalakrishnan, Chairman, TFSC, which is a collaborative venture between Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Foundation for Freedom, Germany.

Ronald Meinardus, Regional Director, South Asia, FNF, said it is high time that smaller players in the local economy make use of the digital world. “While e-commerce is dominated by the large players, it is the smaller companies that need lot of support. Lot of awareness should be created among the SMEs on the benefit of embracing digital economy,” he said.

The participants in the first batch will include entrepreneurs from sectors like textile and leather coming from places like Chennai, Vellore and Krishnagiri. “Consultants will provide them creating a professional online presence, how to market a business on the Web and make use of social media like Facebook and Twitter to increase their reach to the global audience,” said R Vijaylakshmi, Additional Director, Tanstia-FNF Service Centre.