The Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) has granted consent-to-operate to 57 iron ore mining leases, with stringent conditions being imposed for controlling and regulating air and water pollution.

Extraction of 13.79 million tonnes of ore per annum will be allowed to the leases under these one-year agreements, subject to approval of mining plans by the Indian Bureau of Mines.

The decision is seen as a major stride in paving the way for resumption of private sector mining in the State in the upcoming season, which had come to a grinding halt for nearly three years after the Supreme Court ordered closure of mining and exports of ore. Subsequently, the apex court relaxed its stance by allowing mining with an annual cap of 20 million tonnes and directing the State and Central agencies to monitor the operations stringently so as not to repeat the massive illegalities and irregularities that had invited the ban following the report of Justice MB Shah on illegal mining in the State.

Air monitoring

Stipulating the conditions, the GSPCB has said with mining leases being in clusters and their buffer zones overlapping, it is recommended that the lease holders carry out Ambient Air Monitoring (AAM) at common locations in the buffer zone, wherever possible, in consultation with the Board.

Chairman of GSPCB Manuel Noronha said the State Mines and Geology department had renewed 89 mining leases, but 20 of them had no valid environmental clearances (ECs). Of the 69 leases having valid ECs, the Board has granted consent to 57.

Water quality

The Board has directed that water quality monitoring of perennial streams, rivers, and springs be carried out at three locations — upstream, downstream and at the point of overflow/release. The Board will carry out water quality monitoring at locations identified during inspections in the months of July, August and September.

In case of those mines having part forest and part non-forest areas and no forest clearance, the consent-to-operate should be limited to the non-forest area. The transportation of ore will be carried out in compliance to the order passed by the Bombay High Court at Goa.