Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has requested the Kerala Finance Minister to extend the date for amnesty application to September 30.

The existing date is coming to an end on July 31 and there are still technical glitches in the system due to which the applications could not be filed for good number of traders, said Sunny L.Malayli, president of the Chamber. The online system for amnesty applications was enabled only in June 2020 after settling various glitches.

Moreover, every passing day a new zone is locked down or made containment area. This has drastically affected the functioning of the business and offices. Even in places which are not locked down, there is acute shortage of staff and the functioning of the institutions have come to a standstill, as the staff are either from areas under lockdown or for complying with the directions of the health department regarding limit to staff.

The traders community is going through very difficult times and is in search of avenues for “mere survival” alone. Adding to their agony, the State Tax Department has started issuing notices related to the erstwhile VAT/CST Act for years from 2012- 2013 onwards and present GST Acts as well, through e mails, alleging evasion of tax and granting merely 2 to 5 days to respond to the notices, failing which dealers are threatened with huge penalty. It is impossible for traders to address this, in a short notice.

Taking into consideration the all-around life threatening situation and particularly when the business community is grappling with unforeseen financial instability, the chamber appealed the State Government to come out with necessary notification to desist from completion of assessment / proceedings as well as for compliances under the KVAT, CST, LT, KGST and GST Act, as done by the GST Council.