In an apparent indication that the National Register of Citizens will soon be extended to all States as promised in the BJP’s manifesto, Home Minister Amit Shah said in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday that the Centre will identify illegal immigrants staying in any part of the country and deport them as per international law.

He said this in respnse to SP member Javed Ali Khan’s question — whether the NRC will be implemented in other States as well. “It is a very good question. The NRC is part of the Assam Accord and was also in (BJP’s) election manifesto, based on which, the government has came to power. The government will identify illegal immigrants living on every inch of the country’s soil and will deport them as per international law,” Shah said.

Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said the Centre has received many representations for extending the NRC deadline in Assam. He cited a petition signed by about 25 lakh applicants submitted to the Centre and the President demanding an extension to correct anomalies. Agreeing that many genuine names have been left out and many bogus names registered, Rai said: “So the government has requested the (Supreme) Court to extend the time for this purpose.” He added that there will be some delay but the NRC will be implemented properly without any defects.