As the results roll in, it is clear that youth have played a significant role in the NDA victory . This time round, 10 crore new voters were added to the list, bringing the tally to 81.5 crore adults.

Of the newly-registered voters, 70 per cent were under 35 years and were added to the electoral rolls around eight to ten months before the elections. But the really young voter, according to Election Commission data, were the 2.3 crore in the age group of 18-19 years.

The BJP’s pitch for development seems to have gone down well with a lot of them. “I voted for development and I hope the new government spruces up the roads, highways and takes care of pollution levels in our cities,” said Aditya, a college student and first-time voter in New Delhi. “Though some of my friends have still reposed their faith in AAP, I feel the party needs to mature a bit and get some experience.”


In the 18-19 year age group of voters, the highest number was in Jharkhand, comprising nine per cent of the total electorate; followed by Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.

In Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka, the teen brigade comprised just over one per cent of the electorate.

The election data also showed that though there has been an improvement in the sex ratio of the electorate, there are more registered male voters . In the 18-19 age group, 47 per cent were women, but first-time women voters comprised 41 per cent.

“I voted for the AAP party as I connect with their social media campaigns, but several people my age voted for the BJP saying that they wanted to vote for change this time and wanted to give them a chance,” said first-time voter and university student, Ishika.

Tactical vote

Twenty-year-old Swati did the same. She says her vote for the AAP was a tactical one as she was sure the BJP would win. “ I believe you need a strong party in opposition as well,” she said.

The young admit social media campaigns impacted them the most. “Modi's campaigns were impressive and massive, so I wanted to go with the majority,” Aditya added.