The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) will cut its electricity and maintenance bill for street lighting by almost 50 per cent due to the installation of LED lamps.

According to Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL), SDMC will cut its electricity and maintenance bill for street lights to ₹56 crore from ₹104 crore

Further, the total investment of ₹172 crore for installing 1.88 lakh LED street lights, funded by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd and SDMC, will be recovered over a period of seven years, saidSaurabh Kumar, Managing Director of EESL. He was speaking at an event to reveal the results of a social audit whichrevealed that 99.5 per cent of the people of SDMC feel safer with LED streetlights in their areas.

However, on the issue of complaints against non-functioning of LED lights, Kumar said the problem is due to poor connections and not poor quality. He added that each complaint would be redressed within 48-72 hours.

Huge energy saving For the problem of non-functioning and multiple helpline numbers, Puneet Kumar Goel, Commissioner of SDMC, said, “From August 31, there will be only one helpline number which will comprise a 5-member team and a supervisor monitoring them.”

Under the Street Lighting National Programme, over 10,80,000 conventional street lights have been replaced with LED across India leading to an annual estimated energy savings of 143 million units.