“If you stand by Dharma, there won’t be any dharmasankata while taking decisions,” says ESL Narasimhan, who served as the Governor in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for over nine years.

Sharing his experiences as a Governor of united Andhra Pradesh during the Telangana agitation and later as the Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, during an informal meeting at Raj Bhavan today ahead of relinquishing his office, Narasimhan said: “Don’t be surprised if I become a priest.”

Asked about how he felt when during one of his addresses to the joint session of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature before bifurcation, the speech copy was torn and flung at him, he said: “I had anticipated that such a thing would happen. I had ensured that we had taken extra copies of the speech and also was certain that the mike would be disconnected. However, I was steadfast on completing the speech and wanted to see the national anthem sung before I left. Achieved this in spite of difficulties then.”

Tough moments

Explaining some tough moments during his tenure, he said that during the brief Presidential rule, when he was in charge, he had made it clear to the police administration that force would not be used and no bullet was to be fired at people. I told them, “If they use bullet, the whole agitation would turn against the police. This was adhered to by the police and the entire agitation passed off peacefully.”

“I am a believer in God and my experience shows that during trying times He will show the way out. And right from the time the Telangana agitation gained, to formation of the two States and later post bifurcation, things got sorted out one after another,” he said.

“During the tenure there was no animosity with anyone. All were friends and shared their views in person stating that what they did was part of the their mandate and that they had nothing against the Governor. I too understood this,” he said.

“As I take to retired life, we will carry happy memories and good wishes of people from both TS and AP,” he said.