A memorandum of understanding has been inked between Kumaraguru College of Technology (KCT), Coimbatore, and the Indian Textile Accessories and Machinery Manufacturers' Association, Mumbai, for establishing a Common Facility Centre for the Textile Engineering Industry at KCT campus.

This project has been initiated under the Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

Under the MoU it is planned to establish a testing and quality control facility for engineering and plastics, a design corner for product design and development, developing manpower capabilities, establishing a knowledge corner, data centre and library, and developing technology/ products for indigenisation.

The college would provide the necessary land and buildings for the establishment of the CFC, while the necessary equipment would be acquired under the Cluster Development Programme of MSME. The CFC would charge a fee for rendering testing services, imparting training, technology consulting, and for developing new products.