After assuming charge as Vice-Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, N Kumar has said his immediate focus would be in involving the university in assessing the damage caused by Cyclone Gaja in the Cauvery delta region and develop suitable plans and policies for restoration of the affected one lakh hectares of land.

The university will join hands with government machinery and the Department of Agriculture in relief measures, he said.

“In my capacity as VC of this renowned institution, I would focus on implementing all government schemes for achieving sustained increase in food production. Enhancing the employability of students through skill-oriented programmes and introducing demand-driven courses will be the plan forward.

On the research side, the university will focus on promoting need-based product-oriented research, developing models for intensification of oil seeds and pulses to increase productivity of pulses. We will also focus on intensifying research on input use efficiency, high-density planting direct seeded rice and automation in agriculture. The university will act as a knowledge partner in establishing Special Agricultural Zones for crops of economic importance,” Kumar said in a statement.