Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home State, is the only one among the bigger States to have completed construction of over 50 per cent of the houses sanctioned under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U).

Haryana is the worst performer with just 6 per cent of sanctioned houses constructed.

Out of total 83,62,975 houses sanctioned across the States, construction of 31 per cent (26,07,913) houses has been completed while 57 per cent (47,57,987) are ‘grounded’ for construction — at various stages of construction, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs data presented to the Rajya Sabha this month.

The States have undertaken demand survey for assessing actual demand of housing under the PMAY(U) and the demand validated is around 100 lakhs. Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa are among those that have achieved 40-43 per cent of target.

Gujarat also leads the chart of States with the highest number of houses under construction. Of total 5,24,827 houses sanctioned for Gujarat 4,28,083 (82 per cent) are at grounded or construction stage. and in Telangana and Tamil Nadu about 80 per cent are grounded for construction.

Biggest beneficiaries

Highest number of houses (12,95,679) have been sanctioned for Uttar Pradesh followed by Andhra Pradesh (12,47,929) and Maharashtra (9,85,591). However, these States lag in execution. Andhra Pradesh has completed 25 per cent houses followed by Uttar Pradesh 24 per cent and Maharashtra 22 per cent.

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, construction activities in a housing project, in general, have a gestation period of 18 to 24 months. States have been requested to expedite construction of approved houses so that construction of all houses may be completed by 2022.

In pursuance of the Government’s vision of ‘Housing for All’ by 2022, the Ministry is implementing PMAY(U) since June 2015 for providing assistance to States to address housing requirements of people belonging to the Economically Weaker Sections, Lower Income Group and Middle Income Group categories in urban areas. Based on the project proposals received from the States, Central Assistance of ₹1,30,161 crore have been sanctioned for approved houses.