UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) on Tuesday launched EU-India Social Sciences and Humanities Platform (EqUIP) to promote research in social sciences and humanities.

EqUIP is a three-year initiative with €1.5-million funding by the European Commission under its 7th Framework Programme for Research.

The platform aims to bring together 12 European research funding organisations with key funding agencies in India to develop a stronger strategic partnership in the two fields of study.

Michael Bright, Head of International Strategy, ESRC, said, “The key objective is to share knowledge and best practices and establish networks between researchers.”

Sukhadeo Thorat, Chairman, ICSSR, added that research on social sciences in India gets 2.3 per cent of the funding compared with what science gets. This tie-up would focus on research in food, health, education and sustainability.