A terrain mapping camera on Chandrayaan-2, lunar craft launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) last year, has captured the images of what it names as Sarabhai Crater -- after the father of Indian space programme, Vikarm Sarabhai, whose birth centenary just concluded on August 12.

"ISRO sought to pay tribute to him in a special way by announcing that Chandrayaan-2 orbiter has captured the images of 'Sarabhai' Crater,” said Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office who is the minister in charge for space.

The crater is a circular bowl-shaped crater on Mare Serenitatis in the north east quadrant of moon. It is 250 to 300 kilometres east of this is where Apollo 17 and Luna 21 Missions had landed.

According to ISRO, the 3D images of the crater has shown that it has a depth of 1.7 km from its raised rim and the slope of the crater walls is in between 25 to 35 degree. These findings will help space scientists to understand the processes on the lunar region filled with lava.