The world may never be able to find “patient zero” of Covid-19, said the World Health Organization (WHO) as its investigation on the origins of coronavirus is well underway in China’s Wuhan.

Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead on the disease, told the media that the world may never find “patient zero” even as the WHO continues to probe Wuhan.

A WHO-led team that went to China for investigation will soon hold virtual meetings with its Chinese hosts in Wuhan as the team is currently under quarantine, as per media reports.

The team has been quarantined as two experts tested positive for Covid-19 and were barred from entering China. China has allowed WHO to investigate in Wuhan after months of wrangling with the multilateral organisation.

This probe comes at a time when researchers at the Wuhan Laboratory admitted that they were bitten by coronavirus carrier bats while they ventured into the caves to collect their samples, as per a report by Daily Mail .