Security concerns may have cut short the stretch for Sachin Tendulkar in the promotional Run Kerala Run event here this morning ahead of the 35th National Games.

But organisers have said that the larger public can listen shortly later to the goodwill ambassador for the games, from the expanse of a stadium nearby.

Tendulkar will address the public from the Central Stadium, walking distance from where his run ends, according to Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, minister for sports.

The police have imposed traffic restrictions between 10 am and 11.30 am in practically all 10,000 centres where the run is being taken out today.

Schools, public institutions and offices have been given suitable ‘break’ during this time to facilitate participation of the maximum number of people.

The mass event is claimed to involve an estimated one crore runners, unprecedented in the sporting history across the word, according to organisers.