Subhash C Garg, a 1983 batch Rajasthan cadre IAS officer, has been appointed as Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Finance Ministry. This was part of the major secretary level reshuffle and appointments announced by the Centre on Wednesday.

Prior to this appointment, Garg was Executive Director at World Bank.

The other major appointments, approved by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, include Aruna Sundarajan, a Kerala cadre IAS officer, as Telecom Secretary and Ajay Kumar Bhalla, an Assam-Meghalaya cadre IAS officer, as Power Secretary. While Sundarajan was Secretary, Electronics and Information Technology, Bhalla is currently Director-General, Foreign Trade.

The committee also gave its nod for the appointment of Rajiv Gauba, a Jharkhand cadre IAS officer, as the next Home Secretary. He will take over from Rajiv Mehrishi on August 30. Until then Gauba will serve as Officer on Special Duty in the Home Ministry.

Meanwhile, Ajay Prakash Sawhney, an Andhra Pradesh cadre IAS officer, will be the new Electronics & IT Secretary. He was earlier Additional Secretary in the Petroleum Ministry. Yudhvir Singh Malik, a 1983 Haryana batch IAS officer, will be the new Road Transport and Highways Secretary. He was earlier NHAI’s Chairman.

Jagdish Prasad Meena, who was Consumer Affairs Secretary, will be the new Food Processing Secretary. Avinash K Srivastava, a UP cadre IAS officer, will be the new Consumer Affairs Secretary. Anand Kumar, a Kerala cadre IAS officer, will be taking over as Secretary in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

Rajeev Kapoor, a UP-cadre IAS officer, has been appointed as the Secretary of Department of Chemicals and Petro-Chemicals.

Also, Durga Shanker Mishra, a UP cadre IAS officer, has been elevated to the post of Urban Development Secretary. Mishra is currently Additional Secretary in the Ministry.

At the same time, NK Sinha, a Bihar cadre IAS officer, will take over as the Information & Brocasting Secretary. Ravi Kant, a Bihar cadre IAS officer, has been appointed as Secretary, Shipping.