Tiruppur Exporters Association welcomed the PM Mitra mega textile park to be set up in Tamil Nadu and in Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

The much expected proposal will fulfil the Prime Minister’s vision of 5F (Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign) and boost the growth of textile Industry, the Association President KM Subramanian said in a press release.

More employment

The Central and State governments have identified and proposed to set up the Mega park with infrastructure in 1,100 acres in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. The park will attract investment and generate more employment, particularly to women workers.

The association suggested creation of an eco-system to attract MSMEs in Tirupur, plug-and-play facilities and building area to commence from 15,000 sq ft. It also urged to include PLI-2 scheme to avail the incentives by the units being set up in the project, solar power for the industry and common effluent treatment plant for the processing units and ICD inside the park.