The organisers of Kerala Travel Mart (KTM) and the Kochi-Muziris Biennale have reached an understanding to work in close coordination..

To begin with, the KTM will chip in sponsorship to the ongoing biennale, the country’s first contemporary-art extravaganza.

KTM members, who chiefly include hotels, tour operators, resorts, ayurvedic spas, home-stays and houseboats, will extend support to the biennale by enrolling under its ‘Sponsor A Day’ scheme, according to Jose Dominic, a trustee of the Kochi Biennale Foundation (KBF).

The KTM members, who join the ‘Sponsor A Day’ scheme, will arrange special facilities for their guests to visit the biennale venues across this city, he said.

The KBF described the tie-up as recognition to its efforts to promote art. “KTM is a get-together of people working for the promotion of tourism in Kerala. Their working in tandem with our event will naturally act as an advertisement for the biennale for people far and wide,” said KBF President Bose Krishnamachari, and co-curator of the event here.

The KTM noted that there has of late been a surge in art-curious tourists. “That way, an event like the biennale can help the economy of not just Kerala, but the entire country,” Dominic said.