A study conducted by researchers at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, Italy, found that a significant portion of Covid-19 patients is battling mental illnesses.

The new study analysed at least 402 cases of patients struggling with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among other psychological illnesses, Indian Express reported.

The authors of the study maintained that that survivors of Covid-19, “will show a high prevalence of emergent psychiatric conditions including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and insomnia”.

They said, according to the data collected through the survey, patients with Covid-19 experienced delirium, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

The study revealed that around 55.7 per cent self-reported at least one psycho-pathological manifestation. Around 28 per cent said they suffered from PTSD, 31 per cent from depression, 42 per cent from anxiety, 20 per cent from obsessive compulsive (OC) symptoms and 40 per cent from insomnia.

The impact of Covid-19’s psychiatric manifestation is more in women than men. Younger patients are reported to have demonstrated a higher level of depression than elders.

The authors also found that the duration of hospitalisation inversely correlated with PTSD, depression, and anxiety, among other disorders.

The psycho-pathological manifestations can be seen in two ways — the virus affecting the central nervous system or through the immune responses of the body.

The study added that when an infection triggers the immune system, it can result in psychological stress of enduring a fatal disease.

Apart from immune system mechanisms, Covid-19 patients may see stress getting worsened by the fear of the illness itself.