Prafull Singh, an employee of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for clocking the “fastest time to travel across all metro stations."

The Delhi Metro shared a picture of the employee holding the certificate on social media.

Singh has covered 254 stations at a distance of 348 km in just 16 hours and 2 minutes, Delhi Metro claimed in its social media post. He took this travel on August 29, 2021.

The Guinness World Records website noted Singh saying, "I have been using Delhi Metro for a long time, so I am very much aware of all lines. My planning was from which station and line should I have to start and end so I can complete my record before time."

"DMRC family is proud of Prafull's feat," it added.

The Guinness World Records’ website noted Singh saying, “I have been using Delhi Metro for a long time, so I am very much aware of all lines. My planning was from which station and line should I have to start and end so I can complete my record before time.”