Live-streaming platform Twitch, which had banned US President Donald Trump’s profile after his provocative hate speech, has now reinstated it. Inc’s live-streaming platform had temporarily suspended Trump’s official channel in late June, saying it violated Twitch’s policies on hateful speech.

TechCrunch had quoted a Twitch spokesperson as saying earlier: “Hateful conduct is not allowed on Twitch. In line with our policies, President Trump’s channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed.”

Offensive remarks

Taking a jibe at Mexicans in the US, Trump had, during his campaign kickoff, said: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

On another occasion, Trump said: “Hey, it’s 1:00 o’clock in the morning and a very tough, I’ve used the word on occasion, hombre, a very tough hombre is breaking into the window of a young woman whose husband is away as a traveling salesman or whatever he may do.” The remark was seen as stereotyping Mexicans as violence-prone law-breakers.

After Trump made these offensive remarks, Twitch stated that all politicians must adhere to the community guidelines set by the platform.

It added: “We do not make exceptions for political or newsworthy content, and will take action on content reported to us that violates our rules.”