Britain’s government on Monday challenged a ruling blocking the extradition of Jordanian terror suspect Abu Qatada, saying that the justice system in the Arab nation could be trusted.

The Court of Appeal in London reserved judgement until a later date after hearing arguments from the interior ministry and from Qatada’s lawyers.

The hearing came just days after Qatada was rearrested for breaching his bail conditions, although it was unrelated to the bail decision and a separate hearing on that is due on March 21.

Abu Qatada, real name Omar Mohammed Othman, was convicted in absentia in Jordan of involvement in terror attacks in 1998 and successive British governments have been trying for a decade to secure his deportation.

Lawyers for Home Secretary Theresa May are challenging a ruling by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) in November that Qatada cannot be deported over fears that evidence obtained through torture could be used against him in any retrial.

Abu Qatada, once dubbed Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe, was released on bail following November’s ruling, causing huge frustration in London.

Prime Minister David Cameron voiced his disappointment after the decision, saying he was “completely fed up with the fact that this man is still at large in our country”.