With India going through a massive crisis for oxygen, the business leaders from across the world are coming forward to help the country with relief materials.

They came on microblogging site Twitter to communicate and express their concerns.

For instance, Microsoft Chief Satya Nadella tweeted, “I am heartbroken by the current situation in India. I’m grateful the US government is mobilising to help. Microsoft will continue to use its voice, resources, and technology to aid relief efforts, and support the purchase of critical oxygen concentration devices.”

Google CEO, Sundar Pichai also wrote saying it was devastating to see the worsening Covid crisis in India.

“Google & Googlers are providing ₹135 crore in funding to @GiveIndia, @UNICEF for medical supplies, orgs supporting high-risk communities, and grants to help spread critical information,” he said.

Billionaire Vinod Khosla said he was coordinating grants and sourcing through @GiveIndia. “Please make your requests to them directly and please contribute to their efforts too. The needs are large...I’m willing to fund hospitals in India that need funding to import bulk planeloads of oxygen or supplies into India to increase supply. Public hospitals/NGO’s also pls reach out,” he added.

Amazon India also said that it was joining hands with industry bodies and NGOs to urgently bring 10,000 oxygen concentrators and BiPAP machines into India, in the fight against the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic.

Indian start up ecosystem also came forward to help with oxygen supply.

“India needs your help with #OxygenShortage . We have sourced supplies of different size of oxygen concentrators. We want to double the count we order and bring here. So pls donate here https://t.co/oBuURdSDYH and @Paytm will match ₹ to ₹,” Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Founder, Paytm tweeted.

Act, a collective movement by Indian srartups also said, “We are now accepting domestic and international donations at...These will go towards oxygen solutions, home healthcare and more. Join us in this fight.”