We transit into 2013 on a sombre note. She died. And no matter how hard we may try to party, the memory of the unnamed fighter will always remain in our consciousness.

The question is: when people poured out into the streets to express their grief, their outrage, their desperation, why did the administration respond with lathis and teargas and water cannons? Why did they shut down metro stations? Did they not feel the pain? Why the punishment then?

This is a good time to remember that the Women’s Reservation Bill or the Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill has been hanging fire for almost 10 years. After much water flowing under the bridge, it was passed in the Rajya Sabha in March 2010. Why is the Lok Sabha still dillydallying?

Will it make a difference to the vulnerable sections of society, at home and at work, if the Women’s Reservation Bill is in place? What do you think? Not just in the context of women’s issues, but other aspects of life in India? Write about it to >bloncampus@thehindu.co.in .