US President Joe Biden’s sudden visit to Kyiv on the eve of the first anniversary of Russia’s Ukraine invasion came as no surprise.

Several other leaders, including UK PM Rishi Sunak and France’s Macron, have reinforced their commitment to Ukraine’s cause multiple times over the last week.

The US has provided more than $100 billion in weaponry and financial aid to Ukraine in less than a year, while the military assistance by EU member states is estimated at around €12 billion.

The western countries have even imposed sanctions on Russia in a bid to cripple the country’s economy. But this tactic has not succeeded given that Russia is an important player in the global supply of oil, fertilisers and agri commodities.

European countries continued to buy crude oil from Russia, even while shaming developing countries for doing the same.

The West’s strategy is clear: prolong the conflict and drain the Russian economy of its resources.

Russia has “liberated” Donbass and Luhansk but most nations have not recognised the region’s independence. NATO is now literally on its doorstep with Sweden and Finland all but formally joining the organisation.

This is a huge blow for President Putin. The war has succeeded in unifying bickering Europe and the US, which is an impressive feat indeed.

The question now is what next? Has the West pushed Russia into the hands of China?

China’s interest in being part of the solution in Ukraine has added a new twist to the tale.

One year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, but both sides have not met their objectives. The people of Ukraine deserve peace, their lives cannot be sacrificed for the geopolitical benefits of a few powerful countries. The West needs to take a step back and review its forever-war strategy.