It is a piquant situation here, where you are literally boxed in from all sides… Investment will gravitate to places that protect patent .”

Novartis India Chief Ranjit Shahani

The most important thing we can do to revive the investment climate domestically is to deal with the many impediments affecting the implementation of infrastructure projects… Over the last several years, our fiscal deficit expanded to a level which is simply unacceptable. This is partly because of a conscious policy of fiscal stimulation, which was followed by many countries. Most countries that followed this policy are now reversing the process. We must do so also .”

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

We welcome the CERC order, which will pave the way forward to bring back investor confidence into the power sector .”

Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani, on electricity regulator’s order offering compensation tariff to the company's Mundra power plant

I am in favour of raising FDI in Defence to at least 49 per cent if not 74 per cent and this is what my department has recommended… I assume we have the support of Indian producers. FDI of 26 per cent is definitely low. I recommended and will continue to strive for higher FDI in Defence. There has to be a partnership between the Government and industry .”

Commerce and Industry Minister

Anand Sharma

We have to sort out many internal issues. We have to contain fiscal deficit. We have to tame inflation. We have to find ways in which projects are executed on time and efficiently. We are addressing these problems. These in my views are biggest challenges facing India today .”

Finance Minister P. Chidambaram

‘‘‘ Democracy and Free Enterprise’’ are usually found together — it is hard to think of a flourishing democracy that is not a market economy. Moreover, while a number of autocratic economies have embraced some semblance of free enterprise (or socialism with Chinese characteristics, as the Chinese Communist Party would say), it seems to be only a matter of time before they are forced to become more democratic .”

Chief Economic Advisor

Raghuram G. Rajan

This (small and medium enterprise) sector has great potential to be a true agent of socio-economic change. But for that, we must direct our efforts at increasing the competitiveness of this sector by enhancing the availability of institutional credit, promoting innovation and technology, providing adequate industrial infrastructure, meeting the demands for skill development and capacity building, and strengthening market support .”

President Pranab Mukherjee