Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here

Send your answers by Wednesday 6 p.m. to, with your full name, postal address and phone number.

A lucky winner in each week will get a book sponsored by UNIFI Capital as a reward.

1 Though I am a leader nationally in my primary business and have presence in 50+ countries with more than 3,000 employees, I haven't managed to grow beyond ₹2000 crore in revenue for several years now.

2 My industry has been fancied by the market as several companies have grown exponentially. So far, I have disappointed on the growth front.

3 My chairman is extremely qualified, with a Masters degree from MIT and MBA from Columbia. Well respected in the industry, he made me become the first in my industry to get ISO certifications and implement SAP ERP in the 1990s itself.

4 I have delivered negative returns to my shareholders over the last four years. Still, I retain the record of being one of the very few Indian companies to deliver 10 times return over the last 10 years.

5 I am one of the oldest companies to be listed in my industry as I got listed 45 years back. My chairman has been associated with another company for a decade, currently as chairman. After its recent IPO, that company got a market capitalisation five times larger than mine.

Last week’s winner: Shivanand Pandit

Last week’s answer: Graphite India