Seventy five per cent of corporate India’s workforce could be at the risk of developing diabetes in the future. This rather alarming finding comes from Fitterfly, a health tech start-up which conducted a study on the prevalence of pre-diabetes risks in corporate workplaces. The study analysed data of around 2,020 participants (1,384 males, 636 females) from leading companies. About 72.9 per cent of the participants had a BMI of over 23kg/m2 which put them in the obese or overweight category. Fitterfly ran a pre-diabetes risk calculator over a period of 12 months spanning from August 2021 to August 2022 at workplaces. It and found that a significant number of those surveyed had a family history of diabetes too. The study highlights the need for intervention.

Differing nest eggs

At the time of retirement, women attain just three quarters of men’s wealth, finds a new global study from WTW, highlighting the startling gender gap in wealth accumulation. The 2022 WTW Global Gender Wealth Equity Report shows that on average, women at retirement reach just 74 per cent of the wealth accumulated by men. In Asia Pacific, women accumulate 76 per cent of men’s wealth levels when they hang up their boots. In this region, the gender gap is largest in India at 64 percent. Markets that did better were China, Japan, the Philippines, and Singapore where the gaps were not as much.

Gig workforce on the rise

A new report by the IT industry association, NASSCOM, and jobs platform, Indeed, in partnership with AON, called ‘Future of Workforce: Decoding Gig Workforce 2.0’ finds that there is an increase in companies employing gig workers. In their survey of over 70 organisations, nearly 65 per cent were found to be employing gig workers in 2022, a higher share compared to the 57 per cent in 2020. While the share of organisations employing gig workers have increased, the proportion remains less than 5 per cent of the total workforce.