Karthik Raman, Chief Marketing Officer, IDBI Federal Life Insurance

1. As a marathon runner, I find it important to run at least 40-50 km a week to build the necessary stamina. I undertake longer runs during the weekends, clocking 15-18 km on Saturdays, followed by a shorter run of 5-8 km on Sundays. Mondays are rest days, allowing both mind and body to recover. This regular training helps build muscle memory, while aiding the mind to take control of the body over the course of the long run.

2. Besides the long runs, I also do regular cross-fit training, including weights, to gain muscle strength.

3. Sitting is the new smoking. I like to use a standing desk at work, and try to walk as much as possible, take the stairs, and go on walk breaks after sitting for a long time.

4. The food we eat is critical. So I prefer to eat 3-5 small-portion meals a day. I try to avoid carbs, fried food and carbonated drinks. A samosa can undo the benefits of a 5-km run! I snack on raw fruits and green vegetables, instead.

5. It is important to remain hydrated, as we don’t realise how much water we lose from perspiration, especially in Mumbai’s hot and humid weather. In office, and during my daily runs, I make it a point to drink plenty of water to remain properly hydrated.